
研究の展望/Research Interests


The focus of my research is to explore the world of insects by examining their perceptual world, which is closely related to our daily lives. Understanding how these tiny creatures perceive and respond to their surroundings is crucial for both basic and applied biology.

昆虫の知覚研究の魅力を示す古典的な例として、ファーブル昆虫記の「オオクジャクヤママユの夕べ」があります。ファーブルがある夜、オオクジャクヤママユという蛾のメスを網カゴに入れて観察していると、メスを目がけてオスが大挙して押し掛けてました。様々な操作実験から、この現象には ”知らせの発散物 (infoming effluvia)” が関わっており、その正体は匂いらしいとファーブルは結論付けます。18世紀後半のことです。その後、化学物質の微量分析技術が発達があり、この正体が明らかにされます。1959年にドイツの化学者Adolf Butenandtは、カイコで見られる同様の現象は、メスが放出する (10E,12Z)-hexadecadien-1-ol という物質によるものであると発見しました。これは、今日では、性フェロモンと呼ばれる物質の一つです。

A classic example of the fascinating study of insect perception is the ‘Great Peacock Evening’ in Fabre’s Insect Chronicles. One evening, while Fabre was observing a female of this moth species in a net cage, males were observed swarming over her. From various manipulation experiments, Fabre concluded that ‘informing effluvia’ were involved in this phenomenon, and that their true nature seemed to be smell. In 1959, German chemist Adolf Butenandt discovered that a similar phenomenon observed in silkworms was caused by a substance released by females, known as (10E,12Z)-hexadecadien-1-ol, now recognized as a sex pheromone.


It is not difficult to imagine how, at a time when the principles were not understood, it must have seemed an extremely strange phenomenon to see males rushing to females in droves, using signals that humans could not perceive.

このような昆虫の行動を理解するために、1) 環境中にある光や匂いなどの刺激を物理的・物質的実態から捉え、視覚や嗅覚といった知覚システムを解明すること、2) これらの知覚システムが昆虫の生態をどのように形成し、私たちの健康や農業、産業にどのように影響を与えるかを明らかにすること、3) これらの知識を基に昆虫の行動を制御することが私の研究の目標です。遺伝子研究からフィールド調査まで、手法や分野にとらわれずに現象を明らかにすることを大切に目標に取り組んでいます。

In order to understand such insect behavior, we need to: 1) explore how insects perceive environmental stimuli like light and odor, and elucidate their perceptual systems, including vision and olfaction; 2) clarify how these perceptual systems shape insect ecology and how they affect our health, agriculture, and industry; and 3) use this knowledge to control insect behavior. From genetic research to field studies, I approach my goals with an emphasis on clarifying phenomena regardless of the method or field.


Understanding the perceptual world of insects not only contributes to our understanding of basic life principles such as adaptation to the environment and evolution but also has a direct impact on our lives. For example, controlling the behavior of insect pests to reduce damage to crops, and understanding the behavior of insects that carry pathogens to prevent the spread of infectious diseases are among the specific applications. Through this research, we aim to foster a more harmonious coexistence between the natural world and human society.

第1版 平成30年11月6日
第2版 令和5年11月6日 修正・英文加筆